Implementasi AES-256 dalam Aplikasi Manajemen Password menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Java berbasis Desktop


  • Akbar Hendra Jaya STMIK AMIKOM Surakarta
  • Afnan Rosyidi STMIK AMIKOM Surakarta


Data Security, Encryption, Decryption, Management Application, Password Generator, Digital Securiy, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)


Data breaches and cybersecurity incidents are increasingly alarming in this digital era, making secure password management crucial. This research develops a password management application that uses high-level encryption and a master password to
protect sensitive information. The application also offers a strong password generator, which helps users create passwords that are difficult to guess and more secure. With these features, the application is designed to minimize the risk of weak or repeated password usage. This application helps users manage their passwords more securely, reduces the risk of data breaches, and provides a sense of security in managing personal and sensitive information.

