Transformasi Digital Perspektif Islam: Masyarakat Ihsan di Tengah-Tengah Pasar Artificial Intelligence


  • Nurul Eka Oktalisa Universitas Riau
  • Rahmani Rahmani Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
  • Muhd AR Imam Riauan Universitas Islam Riau


Artificial Intellegent, Transformasi Digital, IHSAN


This research focuses on the relationship between religious understanding and technological development, as well as how Islam indicates its support for digital transformation. The aim of this study is to explore the use of technology, including Atrificial Intelligence (AI), in the context of Islamic values ​​and its impact on social life. The issues raised include the challenges of society's adaptation to technology, potential dependency and negative impacts that may arise, as well as how to maintain morals and integrity in the face of digital transformation. The method in this research is a literature review using observation and documentation data collection techniques. The results of this research found that Ihsan means good morals which is also an acronym for (Integrity, Humanity, spirituality, Adabtability, and Nationality). Integrity emphasizes the importance of honesty and consistency in thoughts, words, and actions. Society needs to exercise integrity to utilize AI wisely; Humanity prioritizes empathy and human values, which cannot be replaced by technology. Human relationships remain important despite advances in AI; Spirituality encourages individuals to seek meaning in life through spiritual values ​​and devotion to God, which AI cannot provide; Adaptation teaches the ability to adapt to change without losing one's identity, so that society can move along with technological developments; Nationalism fosters a feeling of love for the homeland as part of national identity, which is important in building a developed country.

