Pembuatan Desain Antarmuka pada Sistem Reservasi Bioskop Web Cinema AMIKOM Surakarta
User interface design, system effectiveness, cinema reservationAbstract
AbstractMore and more people are using technology in carrying out their daily activities, such as looking for entertainment to fill their free time, due to technological advances and lifestyle changes caused by these advances. The purpose of this study is to determine how user interface (UI) design affects how effective the cinema reservation system is at Cinema AMIKOM Surakarta. The research method used is design thinking and prototype. The purpose of this study is to create and create an easy-to-use and intuitive interface. Seat selection, ticket booking, and online payment are important features added that are designed to improve user comfort and convenience. The results of the study show that good user interface design improves ease of use, user satisfaction, and the speed of the reservation process. As a result, the development of a user-friendly user interface for a cinema reservation system can be increased.
Keywords: User interface design, system effectiveness, cinema reservation, Cinema AMIKOM Surakarta, design thinking, prototype
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