Comparative Analysis of the Performance of the Cryptographic Algorithm Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) Based on File Size in the File Encryption and Decryption Process


  • Yoka Hobi Amaliawati STMIK Amikom Surakarta
  • Arya Adi Restu Putra Pratama STMIK Amikom Surakarta
  • Indrawan Ady Saputro STMIK Amikom Surakarta


Cryptography, DSA, Files, MD5


Data and information security is crucial in digital era, especially in securing files, messages, and documents from potential data theft. Although sending documents over the internet is considered efficient, data security is often a major concern. Cryptography is emerging as a solution for securing information, with algorithms such as Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) commonly used in the process of encrypting and describing data. This study aims to analyze and compare the performance of the two cryptographic algorithms in the process of encryption and file description, focusing on process speed and file size changes. In this study, files in .jpg formats were encrypted using both algorithms. The results show that MD5 has better encryption speed than DSA, while DSA provides compression results and added security to some file types. In conclusion, although MD5 is faster, DSA offers an additional level of security on certain file sizes, making it a safer option in some usage contexts.

