Sistem Informasi Quality Control Berbasis Web pada Perusahaan Furniture/Meubel di Dareels Klaten


  • Bagus Kris Pamungkas
  • Siti Rihastuti STMIK Amikom Surakarta
  • Sri Widiyanti


Sistem Informasi, Web, Quality Control


The information system in the company is very helpful, especially in the quality control section. The quality control position in the company is very important to determine whether the goods will be exported or not. Because of this, a web-based quality control information system was created for furniture companies. Creating a web-based quality control information system makes it easy for workers to create quality control results reports, facilitates the data input process, and facilitates data access. Web media is also able to become a forum for information to achieve the company's strategic goals. This information system uses the PHP programming language and a MySQL database. Based on the input-output design, an overview of a web-based quality control information system is obtained that is able to meet the company's specifications

