Perancangan Desain Aplikasi Penjualan Aksesoris Menggunakan Metode Double Diamond (Studi kasus: Goodness Gems)


  • Norinta Selsa Hayu Palupi STMIK AMIKOM SURAKARTA
  • Indrawan Ady Saputro STMIK Amikom Surakarta


Aksesoris, Online, Offline, Aplikasi Penjualan, Double diamond, prototype, Blackbox ai, Uji Coba


This research has discussed the importance of appearance, especially the role of accessories as a support for a person's character and impression. The increasing demand for accessories in the market encourages fierce competition between entrepreneurs, both in online and offline sales. In the current digital era, the utilization of technology, especially smartphone-based applications, is very important for accessory entrepreneurs to be able to compete and follow the development of trends. Therefore, this research aims to design a modern and easily accessible accessory sales application, so that it can help entrepreneurs in marketing their products effectively and provide an optimal experience for users. The method used in this research is the Double diamond method, which includes four main stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver, to ensure an application design that suits the needs of the market and the latest technology. In the design of accessories sales, various pages are designed such as the main page, homepage, profile, category, cart, delivery, payment, order details and the flow of a prototype, starting from the list/entry to the order details. In this design, researchers conducted an experiment using blackbox ai, in order to get accurate results and be able to compare whether this accessory sales application is suitable for use by users or not. In this research, it is stated that the design of the accessories sales application has a trial result with an overall average of 80% and is declared suitable for use by users.

Keywords: Accessories, Online, Offline, Sales Application, Double diamond, Prototype, Blackbox ai, Trial.

