UI/UX Design Development for Online Store: Urban Batik Society Based on Design Thinking


  • ARUM PURBANINGRUM Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Amikom Surakarta
  • Kharisma Silvi Amalia STMIK Amikom Surakarta
  • Syarla Shalsabilla Putri Rachmawati STMIK Amikom Surakarta
  • Indrawan Adi Saputro STMIK Amikom Surakarta


batik, Design Thinking, e-commerce, user experience, UI/UX


Batik sales in the digital era have grown significantly through e-commerce, expanding access to Indonesian cultural products. This research aims to design the UI/UX for Urban Batik Society's online store using the Design Thinking approach, which includes the stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Findings show that integrating cultural elements of batik, such as unique motifs and colors, enhances user comfort and attraction when shopping online. Blackbox Testing results indicate the prototype is effective, easy to navigate, and matches user preferences. The study concludes that incorporating local cultural values in UI/UX strengthens cultural identity and enhances the emotional shopping experience.

