Implementation of a Web-Based Library Information System at SDN Blimbing 05 Malang


  • Andria Andria Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Dimas
  • Dany


Digitalization, Information Systems, Libraries, Website


Management of the school library at SDN Blimbing 05 Malang is still carried outconventionally, namely by using stationery. Recording book data, members, loan andreturn transactions made in a notebook. Efficiency and effectiveness of services arethings that need to be optimized, as well as security factors such as the risk of data losswhich of course need to be minimized. This is a management problem that requires asolution. This research aims to implement a web-based school library informationsystem. The method used in this research is Waterfall method. The results of the researchare that it makes it easier for school library managers to digitally collect data on books,members, borrowing and returning book transactions. The efficiency and effectiveness ofservices can be optimized quickly and accurately because the system can be accessed atany time using a computer or mobile device as long as it is connected to the internet, andit is safer because data can be backed up at any time, thereby minimizing the risk of dataloss.




