Implementation of AR in an Interactive Quiz on Animal Recognition Based on Their Food for Grade IV Elementary School Children


  • Lilis Kartika Muhamad Karo Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
  • Alya Shira Adelita Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
  • Dwi Ratnawati Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta


augmanted reality, animal grouping, MDLC, learning media


In Indonesia itself, there are still many educators who use the form of evaluation with the convectional method or read questions and then written and answered by students through paper media. One of them is the material of grouping animals based on their food. The purpose of this study is to create learning media for the Implementation of AR in the Interactive Quiz for Animal Recognition Based on Food for Class IV Elementary School Children to create a learning process that is relaxing and not boring for students. The process of working on learning media uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. In this study, the procedures applied in this media exam include testing media experts, based on aspects and assessment criteria of media experts who get percentage results of 89.41% with very good criteria, assessment by material experts with percentage results of 87.14% means that the material in learning media is very good, and the test results for students or users as many as 8 people get 79.83% results with good categories, so that the AR learning media in the Interactive Quiz on Animal Recognition Based on Food for Class VI Elementary School Children has been considered very good, interesting for and easy to apply as a learning medium.

