Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Learning in Higher Education
Academic performance, Adaptive learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Higher education, Mixed methods, Personalized learning, Positive impactAbstract
The current implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education has shown significant potential in personalizing students' learning experience. This research explores the application of AI technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing, to create an adaptive learning system for students in higher education. This research study aims to provide an understanding of the effectiveness of AI-based learning personalization in improving student engagement, academic performance, and overall learning outcomes. The results and discussion provide readers with an understanding of the potential application of AI in personalized learning in higher education. Through a mixed methods approach, involving quantitative analysis of student data and qualitative assessment of users' experiences, the study demonstrated the positive impact of AI-based personalized learning in higher education. Thus, the findings suggest that AI can effectively tailor educational content, pace, and methods to the individual needs of college students, leading to improved learning experiences and academic outcomes.
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