Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking
Mathematics Learning Innovation through Interactive Multimedia Based on the Snakes and Ladders Game using the Design Thinking Method
Design Thinking, multimedia interaktif, Pembelajaran Matematika, Ular Tangga, pengujian kegunaanAbstract
This study presents an educational interactive game in the form of a snake and ladder board, designed to reinforce students' understanding of mathematical concepts. Players roll a die and answer subject-related questions on each square they land on, except for squares marked by snake heads. If a player answers correctly, they keep their points; otherwise, they move back two spaces. On ladder squares, correct answers provide bonus points, while incorrect answers allow movement without extra points. The game includes a score feature to assess students’ comprehension at the end.
Keywords: : education, interactive game, mathematics, snake and ladder, student assessment
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