Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking

Mathematics Learning Innovation through Interactive Multimedia Based on the Snakes and Ladders Game using the Design Thinking Method


  • Az-Zahra Nur Agni Nabilah STMIK AMIKOM SURAKARTA
  • Farra Zahratul Milla STMIK Amikom Surakarta


Design Thinking, multimedia interaktif, Pembelajaran Matematika, Ular Tangga, pengujian kegunaan


This study presents an educational interactive game in the form of a snake and ladder board, designed to reinforce students' understanding of mathematical concepts. Players roll a die and answer subject-related questions on each square they land on, except for squares marked by snake heads. If a player answers correctly, they keep their points; otherwise, they move back two spaces. On ladder squares, correct answers provide bonus points, while incorrect answers allow movement without extra points. The game includes a score feature to assess students’ comprehension at the end.

Keywords: : education, interactive game, mathematics, snake and ladder, student assessment

